Hi Friends!
I hope you are well, today I will talk about this photo↑ that I love it  and  was very easy to choose it because I'am with my nephew.
This photo was taken by my sister Cynthia that is Luciano's mom, and it shows all the love and pride that I feel for him, since despite is a baby to demonstrate how strong he is.
This photo was taken on April 10th this year in his house, specifically when Luciano turned two months olds. I like it because is one of the first photo that I have with my nephew, besides I think that he is very photogenic , cute and beautiful.
I'm in love with this little man, because he arrived to my life to fill it with happiness and love. More over I want tell you that I  will be his godmother very soon.❤💕

That is all for today friends!



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