Hi Friends...

Welcome again to my Blog!, today I will talk to you about why I chose the career that I'am studying right now. This was not an easy decision because when I was a child I dreamed about work how flight attendant and travel around the world.

But after I grew up and my  tastes changed, I liked more read and know the laws of my country.  That is why I wanted to study Law, because i don't like the injustice that there are in Chile.In that moment I met the career "Public Administration" and I loved it because it is a combination between my vocation of public service and the conflict management.

For my happiness I was accepted at the University of Chile, for me the best university in the country! It is one more reason to choose this career.

Resultado de imagen para ministerio de relaciones exteriores chile

Nowdays,my experience at university has been satisfactory and I feel comfortable, But it takes a lot of effort. I hope to work someday in the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile" because I like International Matters and to have the opportunity of help to my country. 

I hope you like it!
I wish you an excellent weekend
Resultado de imagen para conejito de pascua


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