Blog VI

Hi everyone
Today I will talk about how I  imagine myself in ten years. I think that it is very difficult to know wthat  will happen in ten years, but  I´m certain about what  I would like to happen.

In ten years I will be thirty years old, very old woman jaja, in those years my career  will be already finished and I hope I will be working in a public institution, more specifically in the area of management , and contribute to my country from there. Besides, I would love to study a postgraduate to improve and get a better job.

On the other hand, at that age, I hope to travel to different countries and know about a lot of cultures that is one of my dreams for the  future.
I see myself married with a beautiful family because this is other of my dreams. I also hope that my pet, that is a dog, could be part of my family too, I love her.

And other thing very important for me is to have the same relation that I have with my family nowadays, a  very united  and close family , I also hope I have more nephews because I only  have one now and his name is Luciano, he makes me happy.

Finally, I have mentioned all the things that I would like to happen, but the more important is to enjoy the day to day, live the present and express my gratitude to God for each day of life.



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