Blog VII

Hi everyone

Today I will talk about my expected holidays! I’m so happy because with my classmates, we are in the semester final, is very difficult but I motivates to know that little remain.

In the summer 2018 I have many plans, I so excited! I would like to tell you that with mi family we will go to the beach the more probably is that be to “La Serena” because we love it! Besides we have an uncle that live inn this place and always we go to visit. This is a plan very sure.
I have a nephew and I would like to go with he to a water park , because to Luciano he loves the water and I think that is a good idea for the summer, besides to me I  love too, and is a excellent form to pass the heath.
Resultado de imagen para parque acuatico

The more important plan for this summer and the plan that more I want, is go with my best friend to the “Festival de Viña del Mar”, because we like the singers Jesse and Joy, and they present the 23th of February. The most probably is that this weekend we buy the tickets. Besides we would like to lease a department and be a few days there, personally I love this beach, is one of my favorite because is the perfect combination between city and beach, besides be very nearby of Santiago.

Resultado de imagen para festival de viñaResultado de imagen para jesse y joy

I’m count of days for already be Enero for do all my plans, I so excited!
 And you that will do in your holidays?



  1. They sound like a great holidays! I hope you sing a lot for me at the festival!!!


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